The Most Used Tree Species For Timber Production – Which Tree Is Best For Lumber?

 Trees provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe. That is why the presence of trees in this world is very important. There are millions of types of trees in the world. There are different types of wood such as hardwoods, softwoods, thin-leaved trees and broad-leaved trees. Today we will look for the answer to the question of which tree is the strongest among these types of trees.

With you, we will classify the strongest tree and tell you their characteristics of these trees.

Different types of wood are used especially in the production of wooden furniture or plywood. The types of wood that are chosen for the production of furniture and plywood are generally trees that are classified as the strongest woods. In this way, the manufactured furniture is more durable and strong

Which Tree Is Best For Lumber

Which tree is suitable for timber?

Wood materials used in construction are generally preferred with low specific weight, high strength, high machinability and low thermal conductivity.

Therefore, coniferous trees are mostly used in construction.

On the other hand, wood materials obtained from trees are more durable, harder and more expensive. The ones that enter the workshop from this category of wood are oak and beech. There are also wood species that enter the structure indirectly, especially plywood and pressed boards with different properties made from wood fibers, shavings and sawdust. Soft woods such as fir are also among the trees of this last group.

List of Indian timber trees

In terms of civil engineering, wooden boards and frames that act as elements to axial or bending forces are usually made of fir, hybrid and sometimes oak. Pine is used in window and door joinery. Oak and beech are used in veneer elements. Pine and sometimes oak are used in soil, water and bridge construction.

The resistance values ​​obtained in the materials of each tree that is cut are different from the resistances obtained from the tree of the same species cut in another area. So that even the strength values ​​of the trunk of a tree are different at different levels. For this reason, when calculating the safety stresses of wooden building materials, much higher safety coefficients are considered compared to other building materials.


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