Advantages of waterproof wood
Generally, when someone decides to use wood for exteriors and interiors, he is concerned about problems such as getting wet or swollen. But different types of waterproof wood make it possible to increase the efficiency of wood in decoration and furniture. When we talk about waterproof wood, most people imagine a natural wood, impregnated with materials that have waterproof properties and thus, they prevent the wood texture from getting wet. But, as a matter of fact, producing waterproof wood will go through other processes that increase its strength and durability. Join us in this article to get acquainted with the characteristics of waterproof wood and its functions.
Production of Waterproof Wood with Thermowood
As you know, in recent years, the design of the home decoration with wood has become so popular and the usage of wood in the home environment increases every day. In addition, many people prefer to decorate the exterior of the house with wood as well. Definitely, when seeing the wooden façade of the villas in the north of Iran, you will be surprised how the wood does not rot or get swollen in humid weather. At this time, we must refer to waterproof wood. Waterproof wood means the same thermowood, but made in several steps:
– First, it is necessary to put the wood in a furnace with very high temperatures, so that its moisture is completely removed and the so-called dry thermowood is obtained.
– Then the temperature inside the furnace should continue to rise to eliminate all microorganisms inside the wood. This will be very important to prevent wood rot and disease.
– Finally, after the wood has been exposed to a temperature between 180 and 220 degrees Celsius for a certain period of time, it is time to reduce the temperature of the kiln, for which steam water should be used.
There are some very important points for producing waterproof wood:
– Increase and decrease of temperature should be gradual. If these steps are done at a high speed, as the wood texture is shocked, cracks and fractures will occur.
– Vacuum conditions must be established in the furnace, otherwise, the increase in temperature will cause the wood to catch fire.

Production of Waterproof Wood with Nanotechnology
Certainly, another method of producing waterproof wood is nanotechnology and a mixture called Artosil. This nano-based solution is non-toxic and makes the wood waterproof. On the other hand, the resistance of wood to the sun’s ultraviolet rays will also increase. To prepare a waterproof wood using Artosil solution, it is necessary to apply this solution on the wood with a brush or a pump and then let it remain for 24 hours. Since Artosil penetrates deeply into the wood, so it will cause waterproof properties in it.
The Difference Between Thermowood and Nanotechnology Methods
Certainly, the advantages of making waterproof wood with thermowood will be more than nanotechnology and here we mention some of these benefits:
– As the wood is exposed to high temperatures and pressures, so it is resistant to temperature fluctuations and changes in dimensions do not occur, while waterproof wood using nanotechnology does not have such a feature.
– On the other hand, increasing the temperature and pressure inside the furnaces to make waterproof wood causes the complete elimination of all microorganisms inside the wood texture and there is no risk of spreading fungi and pathogens.
– In the process of producing thermowood, you can have a waterproof wood resulting from the elimination of moisture. But in the nano process, only the solution is used, without losing moisture.
Uses of Waterproof Wood
As you can see in this article, waterproof wood is produced based on two processes, each of which will have its own functions. For example, to make waterproof doors, you can use Artosil solution instead of the thermowood process, which is very expensive. But in case you are going to use wood for kitchen cabinets, building flooring or exteriors, you should definitely go for waterproof wood based on the thermowood process. In general, waterproof woods will have a very high resistance to moisture and rot, so they will be a suitable option for areas with high humidity.

Cost of Waterproof Wood
Definitely, one of the frequent questions among users and customers of waterproof wood is the price of each type of wood. Regarding the cost of waterproof wood, it is necessary to say that depending on the process of making wood and of course the type of base wood, the price will be quite different. Our suggestion to you is to first determine your goal of purchasing waterproof wood and then decide about the types so that you can have quality wood at a very reasonable price.
Advantages of waterproof wood
As we mentioned in various articles, different types of wood are used in different industries, but the usage of waterproof wood will have several important advantages:
– Increase the resistance of wood against rot and moisture and thus increase the durability of wood
– Reducing the cutting of trees due to increasing the durability of waterproof wood in the equipment and façade of the building
– Contribute to environmental health by reducing tree cutting
– Achieving a very beautiful decoration with an attractive and spectacular design.
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